Priti Ramamurthy

Priti Ramamurthy is professor and chair of the Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her interests include gender and global political economy, labor studies, and contemporary South Asian feminist and development studies. Her research is on agrarian change in India; social reproduction and agricultural biotechnologies; and gender, modernity and commodity cultures.

Recent publications include “Feminist Commodity Chain Analysis: A Framework to Conceptualize Value and Interpret Perplexity,” in Gendered Commodity Chains: Seeing Women’s Work and Households in Global Production, ed. Wilma Dunaway, (Stanford University Press, 2014); “Marriage, Labor Circulation and Smallholder Capitalism in Andhra Pradesh, India” in Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World, eds. Ravinder Kaur & Rajni Palriwala, (Orient Blackswan, 2014); and “Why are men doing floral sex work? Gender, Cultural Reproduction, and the Feminization of Agriculture,” Signs, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2010. She is a coeditor and coauthor of The Modern Girl Around the World: Modernity, Consumption, Globalization. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.

Ramamurthy’s articulation of feminist commodity chain analysis, as a way to track the creation of value and gendered identities, is a methodological contribution to studies of gender and globalization.